Our services for private homes
We help you through all or part of the process
Echoes (reverberation) occur in all types of rooms that do not have enough "soft materials" where the sound waves can find rest. This often occurs in modern houses due to the choice of materials and minimalist building trends. It can be in bedrooms, in rooms where many people are gathered and often when listening to music or watching TV. Children and adults can find this annoying and it can lead to poor sleep, difficulty concentrating, headaches and stress and more long-term problems if it persists. It is particularly troublesome for the hearing impaired and the elderly.
It can be very easy to improve. A combination of sound-absorbing ceilings, sound-absorbing panels on walls and ceilings, carpets and fabric furniture, acoustic pictures, plants and decorations can be added to any home to soften the sound.
Are you experiencing problems with step sound and sound between rooms?
In a detached house, between floors or from the apartment below or above your own? Sound penetration is challenging to get rid of as sound can propagate in the building structure and can follow ventilation, beams, through walls, small holes and leaks, etc.
We can help you. Sometimes the sound disappears completely, other times there is still some sound. But it will get better!

What do you do now? Don't despair - we'll help you further
Do it yourself: you can calculate needs and choose products yourself. See the selection here.
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We help you with the entire process: Get in touch by phone +47 902 38 611send an email to post@akustikksenter.no or use the contact form.
From measurements and calculations, selection of effective solutions and products to final installation and post-installation inspection
Fact box
Norwegian Acoustics Centre is a specialist centre for sound control in all types of buildings, and we have developed a system for measuring and mapping acoustics in all types of buildings. Based on the exact information we obtain through measurements, we calculate and describe the measures needed to achieve the correct acoustics in relation to the area of use and in relation to current regulations.
We help you with the entire process, from A to Z. We measure and calculate in accordance with the requirements set out in the NS 8175 and NS8178 standards, which are part of TEK10 and TEK17. We measure acoustics in rooms according to NS-ISO3382-1 & 2, which describes measurement procedures, measurement points and measurements for all types of rooms. We use internationally recognised measuring equipment, including Norsonic 131. Norsonic is one of the market leaders in acoustic measuring equipment.
NAS employees who perform measurements have been trained in the use of the measuring equipment and procedures at Norsonic.