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Sound dampening images
We have the expertise you need
Acoustic images - printed sound damping discs
Imagine getting your favourite motif or design in a photo while providing effective soundproofing.
On the wall, in the stairwell, on the ceiling, as a partition? You decide!
We have developed sound-absorbing panels that are especially suitable for printing and provide an exclusive and attractive result. At the same time as you get effective sound absorption in the room.
The textile-surfaced soundboards can also withstand some rough treatment and can be installed in exposed locations.
Price: kr. 2885,- per square metre excl. VAT / NOK 3606,- per square metre incl. VAT.
Minimum price kr. 2885 per print ex VAT / NOK 3606 incl. VAT due to fixed start-up costs regardless of size.
Used in Adventurous remodelling
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Frigg textile surface
The absorber is available in two thicknesses. 25 mm and 40 mm. The absorbent is impact-resistant and has a beautiful finish and matt print. The fabric is wrapped around the edges and glued on the back, as well as welded at the edges. Long durability
There are various ways to hang and attach pressurised absorbents.
Screws and decor cups
You buy screws adapted to the substrate and the thickness of the absorber. Use 1 - 6 depending on the size and desired stability in the image. You mount pretty decorative cups on the front.
Metal disc
You attach a specially developed metal plate to the back of the image.
Two sizes 15 or 30 mm. 15 mm is only used on the smallest plates. Several metal discs are preferable for the largest plates. These are glued to the back and you hang the image on a screw (as with steel wire).
Directly glued up
Like other absorbents, directly on walls and ceilings.
Frigg textile 25 mm
Frigg textile 40 mm
Frigg Hexagon textile 40 mm
Frigg Circle textile 40 mm
Ø 600
Ø 900
Ø 1200
Acoustic properties
Frigg 25 has a higher density and is 25 mm thick. It is a sound class C attenuator, but attenuates like a sound class A absorber in the midrange and treble. This is usually more than good enough for "normal use", such as offices, private homes, schools, etc. where particularly good attenuation in low tones and bass is not required.
If you move out 5-10 cm behind Frigg 25, it is also a class A silencer in the entire register.
Frigg 40 has a lower density (softer) and is 40mm thick. It is a sound class A attenuator in the entire register, i.e. bass, midrange and treble.
The differences in the construction of the two Friggs, i.e. density and thickness, give the user more options to decide how the damping should be in a room.
Both are impact resistant.
See other information and data sheets: Frigg 25 and Frigg 40
You can print on all our white absorbers. Printing on dark/black absorbers requires two printing processes and has a higher cost. It is also possible to get customised own sizes of the different absorbers. An additional price and longer delivery time must then be calculated.
Need images for decorative soundboards?
Here are some links where you can find images.
Unsplash.com (Free)
Pixabay.com (Free)
Pexels.com (Free)
Shutterstock (Paid)
Remember that the image file should be a minimum of 2 MB
Private customer
See more reference projects
The best printing results are achieved by using UV printers. Other printing methods tend to saturate the surface too much and thus degrade the sound absorbing properties of the disc

Specialised centre for sound control
We are Norway's only specialist centre for sound control that has developed a system for measuring and mapping, calculating how much you need, through to a completed and tested solution.
All our calculations and measurements are based on the standard NS8175:2019 - Sound in buildings and NS8178:2014 (music and rehearsal rooms). Note that the 2012 standard still applies according to the Building Regulations, TEK 17. Soundproofing products recommended will be in accordance with CE 13964:2014 or equivalent.
We can help you with all your acoustic solutions as we have our own production facilities. Take a look contact and we'll find a solution for your specific needs.